General Worker

Connexis Unit standard 31957

Demonstrate knowledge of working safely as a general worker on a worksite under temporary traffic management.


Who is this course designed for?

This course is aimed at anyone who is working onsite or who is likely to visit a worksite.
  • Contractors who are working within the workspace but are not directly involved with the TTM closure or TTM Crew (i.e. traffic management activities).
  • Office workers, project managers, or people who intend on visiting or entering a TTM site who would like some entry-level knowledge about TTM. This course would provide very basic knowledge of the rules to follow on a TTM site.
  • Overall, if you do not intend to do any of the TTM roles (i.e. are planning on becoming a TMO or STMS) this course would be a good match, but anyone else would be best to start with the TTM-Worker course.
  • The General Worker course can also be used as a stepping stone to the TTM Worker course, which is required when first training in traffic management. (Please note: there are no pre-requisites to attend the TTM Worker course) 


How will the trainee be assessed?

Trainees are assessed through theory questions only. It is an open book assessment but the trainees' answers must clearly show an understanding of the subject and their answer must be in their own words.
Model answers are indicative, and any reasonable answer will be accepted.
The Assessor must use professional experience and knowledge when assessing questions.


This is an approx. half-day course. There is also the option for the course to be run online via eLearning. Please contact us if you are interested in this online option.

Learning Objectives

• Know how to enter and exit a worksite safely
• Know how to work safely at a worksite (around road users and construction traffic)

Other Topics this course will cover
• Acting as a spotter for vehicle maneuvers

Includes the following general worker information:
• Entry/Exit points on a worksite
• Emergency procedures
• Who to report to
• Briefings
• Roles and responsibilities of TTM personnel
• Hazard identification - potential hazards within the worksite/road environment
• Working around plant and machinery
• No-go zones
• Identify/recognise correct PPE

Bookings: For any bookings and/or questions please email

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