Traffic Management Plans (TMPs)

TMC Ltd have been designing Traffic Management Plans (TMP) and submitting to and working with local councils nationwide for over 20 years, including NZTA State Highways. We enable our clients and customers to have a safe plan that has catered for all aspects of the job, so your workers have adequate protection without having to have all the knowledge of the TTM industry and the Code of Practice.

Our dedicated team of Plan Designers within the operations team is STMS qualified and very familiar with the computer programs to draw up and submit these TMPs to the RCA for approval. Our staff members are highly experienced in using these types of software, saving your business valuable time, so your workers can concentrate on their own work they are undertaking.

90% of the TMP's we process have site specific diagrams, which is a tricky skill set to master. Our staff are capable of designing any type of TMP for many different industries from crane lifts, to service connections, excavations, demolitions, events, films, signage and scaffolding jobs and right through to large projects like new building development.

We also communicate on your behalf with other operators and services when the work site affects things like Bus Services, Kerb Side collection, Schools, emergency services, traffic light phases and much more.

TMC has experience in drawing up plans from basic closures on the footpath to larger lane closures on state highway networks, big ongoing projects including the pole replacement program, flood recovery project, Three Water contracts and films jobs for major motion pictures, as well as plus events for the Dunedin City Council. You can read testimonials from our clients here

Refer section A7 of the NZTA Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM) for more information about why this industry uses traffic management plans and why you need council and NZTA approval. And for a quick guide about why we have this process you can view this Power Point which captures why we have traffic management and TMPs.

The relationships TMC has built up with RCAs and councils over the years ensures thorough communication back and forth ensuring your company has sufficient traffic management and also good communication with affected parties and the public.

A majority of our plan designers have come from the ground up, working on the road then moving in to the office, which provides them with sound knowledge of how the job will work onsite. This means they can obtain accurate information from our clients to ensure sites are setup on time, multiple stages are considered and the allowance for your workers and working space is sufficient to undertake the physical work, all while catering for road users including cyclists and pedestrians in the best way possible. 

TMC also can processes CAR (Corridor Access Requests) on behalf our clients through BeforeUDig and Submitica. This is an optional service and can be undertaken by the client if preferred.  

All TMPs that are for the State Highway network are also processed by our team and input into

TMC Ltd also design Generic Plans (GTMP) for the likes of maintenance contractors and types of work that are repetitive or reoccurring in the same locations throughout the year.

Note that if TMC Ltd draw up one off TMPs for your company use only, then you must provide a qualified STMS for the plan who will be onsite at all times during the work (while it's an active work site). If you're contracting TMC Ltd to setup and be the onsite management then you don’t need this as TMC Ltd will provide the onsite TC or STMS labour onsite when you choose this option (for more info about onsite management click here).


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